Welcome to Ministry of Education School Staffing Calculator

Please enter your School Number below and click the Start button.


  1. The staffing and funding calculators were updated for 2022.
    This calculator estimates staffing based on your estimated roll. It does not represent or guarantee actual staffing entitlements.
  2. Previous releases (now in PROD):
    PreProd SFC v3.6.7.1 on Friday 14 Feb 2020
    PreProd SFC v3.6.8.0 on Monday 17/2/2020
    PreProd SFC v3.6.8.1 on Thursday 27/02/2020
    Pre-Prod SFC v3.6.11.0 on Fri.4/2/2022
    PreProd SFC v3.7.0.2 on Wednesday, 18/01/2023
  3. *******STAFFING Test Note PP v3.7.0.2 ************************
  4. Currrent Testing PP v3.8.0.2 installed on Friday, 23 Jun 2023
  5. *********************************************************
  6. Currrent Testing PP v3.8.0.2 for CLOUD MIGRATION on Wed 22/5/2023